whinge: | A complaint. A whinger is someone who constantly complains. | |
yabbies: | Plural of yabby. A yabby is a freshwater crayfish. Yabbies can reach up to 30 cm (12 in) in length but are more commonly 10-20 cm (4-8 in) long. | |
drongo: | A "no-hoper" or fool. Derives from a racehorse of that name in the 1920's that never won a race out of 37 starts. | |
boofhead: | A fool or someone with a large head. Or both. | |
within cooee: | Cooee is an Australian bush call that can be heard over great distances. Being 'within cooee' is being within hearing range when someone calls 'cooee!' (Coo-ee) | |
bunyip: | A mythical creature from indigenous Australian folklore. Said to inhabit dark places and billabongs. | |
boot: | The rear storage area of a car, sometimes referred to as the "trunk". | |
Kanandah: | Translation: "Land where the sun sets." | |
goanna: | ![]() |
Large monitor lizard that can grow up to 2.5 m (8.2 ft) in length. View on Wikipedia Image: Wikimedia commons/Spikercs CC BY/SA |
wombat: | ![]() |
Wombats are stout, sturdy, short legged marsupials. Females have a backward facing pouch. They grow to about 1.3 metres (4.45 feet) in length, and can weigh up to 36 kg (80 lbs) View on Wikipedia |
kookaburra: |
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The kookaburra is the largest member of the kingfisher family. It measures up to 46 cm (17 in) from the tip of its beak to the tip of its tail. Its plumage is shades of whites and browns, which help it to blend easily into its environment.
It's laugh is actually a territorial call to warn other kookaburras to stay away. Laughing kookaburra call courtesy of Nature Sound View on Wikipedia Image: GDW.45 [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons |
Tasmanian devil: |
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The Tasmanian devil is the world's largest surviving marsupial carnivore. Devils have a squat build, with a relatively large, broad head and short, thick tail. Body size varies greatly, depending on the diet and habitat. Large males weigh
up to 12 kg (25 lb), and stand about 30 cm (12 in) high at the shoulder. View on Wikipedia Image: Wayne McLean ( jgritz). [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons |
dingo: |
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The dingo is a wild dog native to Australia. Of medium-size, it possesses a lean, hardy body adapted for speed, agility and stamina. View on Wikipedia |
echidna: |
Echidnas are monotremes, one of only two types of mammals that lay eggs (The other is the platypus). Echidnas are covered in sharp spines that they use for protection from predators. They feed primarily on ants and termites. View on Wikipedia Image: Wendy Eiby [CC BY-SA 3.0], via flikr |
koala: | ![]() |
Koalas are arboreal marsupials. They are found in eucalypt woodlands, the leaves of the eucalypt trees make up most of their diet. Because eucalypt leaves are of poor nutritional value, a koala may sleep up to 20 hours a day. View on Wikipedia Image by Jesiane from Pixabay |